Timezones are now available on AirNav RadarBox

Timezones displayed on RadarBox 

We've recently added a new feature to our website: Timezones. This feature overlay's the timezones of the world onto the tracking map and needs to be activated manually. To activate this feature, select map options, find "Overlays, " and click on the time zone overlay.

Timezones displayed on RadarBox 

When you click on a specific time zone, the time in that location or longitude will be displayed on the map. 

Timezones displayed on RadarBox 

In this case, we've clicked on this UTC timezone (-2), which indicates that it is now 15:07 or 03:07 PM in this local. 

Timezones displayed on RadarBox 

Any questions or feedback? Please send us an e-mail to [email protected] or a tweet or DM (direct message) on Twitter. Follow us here: Twitter.com/RadarBox24


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